IMCA Safety Flash SF-17-23
IMCA has published Safety Flash SF-17-23
Click to download the IMCA Safety Flash SF-17-23
Serious finger injury in power operated watertight sliding door
What happened
A crew person suffered a very serious finger injury in a watertight sliding door. The incident occurred when engine crew were heading to a storage area for an inventory check.
LTI: serious hand injury – fingers lost in unexpected hatch closure
What happened?
A crew person was checking the water tightness of the engine room’s emergency hatch cover. Safety lock pins, used to prevent the hatch cover from closing, were missing.
Finger injury during lifting operations
What happened
With a vessel alongside, crew were using the vessel crane to move a pallet of cylinders (part of the vessel’s hydraulic system) from one deck to another.
Finger injury during shackle handling
What happened
During a pennant wire spooling operation, the injured person was trying to remove a 35 tonne SWL shackle from the pennant eye.
Hand and finger injuries
Given that the previous four events in this Safety Flash are all hand injuries, some of them quite serious, even shocking hand injuries, we pause to reflect for a moment, and to summarise some trends in hand and finger injuries amongst our members in recent times.