Safety Flashes

Safety lies at the heart of IMCA’s (International Marine Contractors Association) work

IMCA’s mission is to improve performance in the marine contracting industry.

IMCA work with their Members to ensure continuous improvement in the safety performance of the marine contracting sector. Members have access to extensive resources, designed to help them to develop and strengthen the safety culture in their own workforce.

  • Our Safety Flash system provides a fast and vital communication channel for the industry and helps prevent recurrence of situations by highlighting potential workplace incidents
  • Safety statistics are collated to identify industry trends and provide a benchmarking tool for members
  • Good practice guidance to improve safety in the marine contracting sector
  • Incident reporting and analysis to facilitate safe, reliable and efficient operations
  • Safety promotion materials are available to help develop and strengthen the safety culture in member organisations

To view all Safety Flashes issued by IMCA during 2024 click here

For archived Safety Flashes please access the IMCA website here