Complaints & Compliance
Anyone wishing to complain about the conduct or performance of an eCMID Accredited Vessel Inspector listed on this web site may do so for whatever reason in writing.
All complaints should be sent by email. Please ensure that you clearly state the nature of your complaint so that it can be thoroughly and effectively investigated by the Marine Surveying Academy team, which manages the scheme for the accrediting body, the International Institute of Marine Surveying on behalf of IMCA.
When a complaint is received against an eCMID Accredited Vessel Inspector, the said inspector will be contacted as part of the investigation to obtain his/her side of the story and comments. Once the full facts have been established, members of the MSA complaints and compliance panel will meet to discuss the matter. Once their deliberations are complete, the complainant will receive a written reply of their findings.
All eCMID Accredited Vessel Inspectors are obliged to comply with the Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may lead to accreditation being suspended and/or withdrawn if someone has deemed to have broken this code. Furthermore, any eCMID Accredited Vessel Inspector who does not keep his/her Continuing Professional Development plan current and up to date is liable to having their accreditation suspended.
The judgement and the results of the MSA complaints and compliance panel will be final and there is no right of appeal.