IMCA Safety Flash 16-22
IMCA has published Safety Flash 16-22.
Click to download the IMCA Safety Flash 16-22 here.
BSEE/USCG: Dealing with extreme weather events
The Joint Safety Alert addresses an extreme weather event involving a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) conducting well operations in the Gulf of Mexico. The MODU, with 115 personnel onboard, lost 11 marine riser joints and a lower marine riser package (LMRP) and polluted the Gulf of Mexico with 88 barrels of miscellaneous fluids in its failed attempt to evacuate the area and evade Hurricane Ida.
American P&I Club: Extreme bollard pull
A large container vessel had just begun cargo operations. Approximately two hours later, the bollard holding the bow lines was pulled out of the dock. At the time of the bollard failure, the wind was mild, and the current was minimal. The bow of the vessel swung outboard slightly, and the stern swung into the dock.
Lost Time Injuries due to a failed mooring line
A vessel was mobilising and was moored stern to the quayside. It was moored with one aft mooring rope at each side and thruster control from the vessel, to maintain position while the load-out operations were carried out. During a pause in the work, three crew members were gathered at the stern of the vessel discussing the next part of the job, when the port aft mooring line failed. The line ‘snapped back’, striking and injuring two of them. They were taken to hospital.
LTI – Struck when anchor wire end pulled free of drum clamps
A person was seriously injured when he was struck by the end of a 58mm anchor wire. The incident occurred when crew were working on replacing out several 58mm anchor wires. The injured person was walking behind an anchor winch which had a single turn of wire remaining on it. The vessel moved off the quay. Tension came on the wire, which was connected to a spooler ashore. The stoppers in use failed, and the wire end pulled free of the already loosened clamps, whipping over the drum.
Damage to bulwarks during overboarding of mattresses
During the overboarding of a mattress stack (3x 150mm mattresses) using a mattress frame, the mattresses made contact with the port side bulwarks causing damage. Before and during the lift, the weather conditions were suitable for the operation.
As the load was lifted outboard, a swell caused vessel motion which led to a pendulum effect on the mattresses. The mattresses then hit the port side bulwarks causing damage.